- Hi Seda, how are you?
- Hello Nane, I am fine. Thank you!
- Tell us more about this splendid work of fashion art! How it came to your mind?
- First of all I don't consider it like art. As you have already said I am not professional in it, it's just my hobby. What about the idea. I just knew that there is special paints for glass, and I decided to make something using them. It's just the result of my experiences.
- Seda, I know that you work not only on glass. What else materials do you use?
- Everything you can imagine:)
- OK... You are a creative person! Than promise you'll show here your future works, we are looking forward to see them!
- I promise. I can't say what it will be, but I promise that it will not be less interesting.
- I'm curious... And what are your future plans?
- My coming plans are mostly connected with my professional career. What about my hobby, I have already promised you something exciting, so I should keep my word!
- Thank you, Seda, for interesting conversation! See you soon!
- Thank you for your interest!